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Why is my Windows 10 Pro Deactivating?


If you are experiencing problems with your Windows 10 Pro operating system, you are not alone. Thousands of users from the US, Japan, and South Korea flooded tech message boards late this week with complaints that their legitimately purchased software was deactivating itself. What Exactly Happened? Starting on November 8, [...]

Why is my Windows 10 Pro Deactivating?2019-07-31T05:18:23-07:00

Different Ways You Can Celebrate Love Your Lawyer Day


As a business owner, executive or manager, you may use a lawyer for many different reasons. You may need a lawyer to look over your business contracts, to help when you buy or sell a business, to help you with any tax issues that may arise or to help with [...]

Different Ways You Can Celebrate Love Your Lawyer Day2019-07-31T02:10:32-07:00

What Are We Most Frightened Of This Halloween?


7 Cyberattack Facts This Halloween we’re celebrating by sharing some scary cyberattack facts. Why? Because, unfortunately, cyber attacks are increasing. The cyber threat landscape is rapidly becoming more of a concern. Not only are businesses seeing an increase in the number of attacks, but these cyber attacks are continuing to [...]

What Are We Most Frightened Of This Halloween?2019-07-31T02:10:32-07:00

Do You Have Good Computer Habits?


We know it’s important to have good habits in many parts of our lives, from our work to our daily hygiene. However, quite a few of us forget that we need to have good computer habits, too. Developing wise practices in connection with our computers and smartphones can make our [...]

Do You Have Good Computer Habits?2019-07-30T05:41:48-07:00

PSA Alert! Sleeping While Phone Charges


Read the following alert before charging your phone tonight and from this day forward. According to the Newton, New Hampshire, fire department’s PSA message posted on social media; it seems as though charging a phone in bed poses a serious health risk and lethal safety concerns for you and your [...]

PSA Alert! Sleeping While Phone Charges2019-07-31T05:18:24-07:00

Happy Spreadsheet Day!!!


What Are You Doing for Spreadsheet Day? Spreadsheets: some people love them, some people hate them, and some people are a little afraid of them. No matter which category you may currently fall into, you probably know that spreadsheets are vital to the inner workings of organizations ranging in size [...]

Happy Spreadsheet Day!!!2019-06-16T15:11:30-07:00

October 16th Is Steve Jobs Day


Steve Jobs Day Sheds Light On Apple Founder’s Legacy In today’s modern world, the name “Apple” has become synonymous with technology. It’s no wonder then that Steve Jobs, the company’s late co-founder, has become such an influential figure in American history. His contributions are well documented in motion pictures, books [...]

October 16th Is Steve Jobs Day2019-06-11T08:00:36-07:00

How To Ensure A Secure Home Network


Most homeowners and renters understand the importance of home security. In fact, in today’s world, it’s not uncommon for homeowners to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on home protection. But while securing your belongings is considered good common sense, homeowners don’t as often consider the concept of data [...]

How To Ensure A Secure Home Network2019-06-05T09:37:42-07:00

October’s Featured Training: The ABCs Of Cyber Security


October Is Cyber Security Awareness Month Tune In At Any Time To Watch Our 15 Minute On-Demand Training Cyber Criminals Have A 6 Month Head Start. Is Your Business Protected? Find Out. Tune Into Our October Free Online Training By Clicking Here. Every 39 seconds, a hacker is attacking someone.  Are [...]

October’s Featured Training: The ABCs Of Cyber Security2019-07-31T02:09:41-07:00

Google Shutting Down Google+


Google+ Social Media App Will Soon Move Off Into The Sunset Google+ has never really been a popular social media network. In fact, most people say they’ve never used it and don’t know how it works. So it’s not too surprising to hear that Google has finally decided to pull [...]

Google Shutting Down Google+2019-06-04T03:13:23-07:00
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